vintage buildings

"Fort Cornwallis" - Penang Richest Historical Site


Francis Light Statue


Sir Francis Light would have never thought that the fort he built more than two centuries ago are still intake and filled with the everlasting rich history of Penang.

The star shaped Fort Cornwallis marks the starting point where Francis Light and his crew from British East India Company landed in Penang on 11th August 1786 to "take possession" of the island from the Sultan of Kedah. It was later named after the Governor-General of Bengal, Charles Marquis Cornwallis.

The Fort was built initially with nibong (palm trunk) stockade with no permanent structures, covering an area of 417.6 sq. ft. And it was only during Colonel R.T. Farquhar's term as Governor of Penang in 1804 that the fort was rebuilt with bricks and stones by convict labor dispatched from India.

The construction of Fort Cornwallis was completed in 1810 during Norman Macalister's term as the Governor of Penang with the cost of about 80,000 Spanish Dollars.



Although was originally built for the Royal artillery troops and the military, it was used more on administrative rather than defense. In its entire history, the fort had never been engaged in any battle even when the Japanese took over Penang from the British during World War 2.

The Fort was gazettes on 8th Sept 1977 under the Antiquities Act 16B/1976 as an Ancient Monument and Historic Site so that it can be conserve and preserve. From March 2000 to March 2001, the restoration of Fort Cornwallis has been granted by the Malaysia goverment using a total sum of RM1.9million to bring back the shine and to its former glory.

In 1991, the government had privatized the management of the Fort in an effort to enhance its position as one of the prime tourist attractions in Penang.

Today, Fort Cornwallis with its new ornamental wooden gate and complete with an observation tower at the main entrance, looks more solid and intact than ever. The heart of the fort contains lines of air condition historical gallery, a handicraft and souvenir shop, and a modern open-air amphitheatre, where local music and cultural festivals are frequently staged.

The legendary fort of Penang has now turn to become a protected historical and with the current overall area of 332,859 sq.ft, the fort are the biggest and the most intact fort that can be found in Malaysia.


Old British Canopy Model


Cell Room that has been
converted into gallery


Storage Room for
Gunpowder Magazine


Fort Corwallis Cannon


When you walk into the fort, you'll be greeted by the bronze statue of Francis Light that overlooks the fort which holds a great heritage treasure in the capital of Georgetown. And with entrance fees of a mere RM3, I guarantee that you'll get your money worth.

There is a fort directory located at you left side which will guide you on what are the attractions that can be found here. It will be best if you start your tour on the left side of the fort by visiting the chapel, followed by the historical gallery to know more about the history of the fort.

Once you finished, walk toward the old model of British canopy that is being used by Francis Light when he first arrived in Penang on 1786. You'll be able to see the modern amphitheatre that will showcase the arts and cultural activities during certain days of the month.

If you're lucky, you'll be welcome by a nice lady wearing an old British custom to help shoot a photo of you with the statue of Francis Light. The fort entrance is facing the field of City Hall. Just ask around if you can't find the entrance.

Opening Hour :

Fort Cornwallis are open from 8:30am to 7:00pm daily.

Getting There :

The fort are located at Padang Kota Lama, Georgetown. Pretty easy to find. You can get there either by walking or taking a more relaxing trishaw ride. If you drive, you can park your car at the parking lot beside the fort. Parking fees - very cheap!

Admission :

RM 3 per person.


Khoo Kongsi Clan House - Penang Grandest Masterpiece

Many of you would be surprise to know that, clan association can be traced back to 650 years in Penang.

Leong San Tong, or famously known as Khoo Kongsi are the most distinctive and reputable clan house in Penang.

Their story can be traced to the late 18th century where the khoo's migrated from Sin Kang Village in China to Penang and involved themselves in trades and other careers. Although staying in an unfamiliar territory, they formed a closely-knit community and taking good care of each other's.


The Majestic Leong San Tong

In 1851, the Khoo's purchase Anglo Malay style bungalow and convert it into clan house at the heart of Georgetown. They name it Leong San Tong.

The bungalow remains for 43 years before it was rebuilt based mainly on the Southern Fujian architecture back in 1894.

Today, Khoo Kongsi complex consists of the clan house Leong San Tong, an administrative building with a meeting hall and offices, an opera stage, and 62 units of terrace houses and numerous shop houses.


Main entrance from Cannon Street


Entrance from
Beach Street


Entrance from
Armenian Street




Opera stage


Entrance to souvenir shop


There are three hidden entrances to the complex. The first one is at Cannon street (main entrance), second is at the decorative archway facing Beach street (rear entrance) and the last on which is the side entrance is at the Armenian street. Although hidden but it is not too difficult to find. Look out for signboards that are put up leading you to the complex entrance.

Once inside the clan compound, you'll be easily overwhelm with the beauty and impressive view of Leong San Tong house.

The wonderful craftsmanship in woodcarving, stone carving, colored drawing, stucco sculpture, cut-and-paste decoration and tiled roof work of master craftsmen from Southern Fujian are simply awesome

Opening Hour:

Daily, including Sundays and Public Holidays: 9 am to 5 pm


RM5 for adults and RM1 for children

Getting There:

Khoo Kongsi is made up of surrounding houses and courtyards in the heart of Georgetown. Just look for the 3 hidden entrance as what the photo shown above. And if you still can't find the place - Just ask!

18 Cannon Square, 10200 Penang, Malaysia.
Tel: 04-261 4609 Fax: 04-262 2591