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Penang Fresh Tropical Fruits

As a visitors to Penang be it locals or foreigner, you might already be familiarize with common vegetables and fruits such as carrots, bananas,tomatoes, watermelon and cabbages. What we are going to provide to you here will be nifty guide that concentrate mostly on home grown fruits that can only be found in tropical weather of Asia. Some of the local fruits are seasonal, which means they only available during certain month of the year. This tropical fruit comes in an array of vibrant colors, amazing flavors, strange shapes and great aromas. Let us begins with:



Famously known as "The King of Fruits", durian wasn't named for nothing! The aroma, shape and taste of the fruit is just extraordinary and definitely an acquired taste. It can be eaten fresh, as a taffy, and candy or even ice-cream. Previously, the durian is a seasonal fruit but because of popular demand, this fruits is sold almost everyday. More on durian...



In terms of aroma and flavor, jackfruit is second to the durian. Jackfruit comes in two varieties that are given two different names in Malay; Nangka and Cempedak.Nangka has fibrous and crunchy yellow flesh and can be cooked in a Malay curry where as for cempedak; it is a more durian-like texture with different taste and can be fried in batter.



Light sweet and juicy mangosteen provides a delicate taste of fresh tropical fruit. The fruits are purple in color and can be found at road side stall. The flesh inside is white in color.While eating, watch out for the juice of the fruit and skin that can stain clothing permanently. Since this is a tropical fruit, make sure to enjoy it while you're still in Penang, as you can't find this kind of fruit anywhere else in the world.


Langsat (Lansium domesticum)

This is one of the most sought after fruits in Malaysia. The flavor of the langsat ranges from tart to lightly sweet. The grey skin exudes a sticky sap while the seed is extremely bitter. Normally Langsat grows in bunches and is usually sold by using weight.


Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum)

Rambutan resembles a lychee with hair. In Malay term, "rambut" means hair. The flesh of rambutan and lychee are almost similar in color, texture and taste. The skin of the rambutan is turning red when it is ripe and is sold by weight or in canned type as syrup.